Machine learning
- Voice Assistant using python
- Wine Quality Prediction
- Credit Card Fraud Detection
- Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning
- Recommendation System in Python
- ML | Heart Disease Prediction Using Logistic
- Prediction of Wine type using Deep Learning
- IPL Score Prediction Using Deep Learning
- Multiclass image classification using
Transfer learning
- Ted Talks Recommendation System with Machine
- Python | Implementation of Movie Recommender
- Movie recommendation based on emotion in
- Image Caption Generator using Deep Learning
on Flickr 8K dataset
- Music Recommendation System Using Machine
- Speech Recognition in Python using Google
Speech API
- Intrusion Detection System Using Machine
Learning Algorithms
- FaceMask Detection using TensorFlow in Python
- Dog Breed Classification using Transfer
- Flower Recognition Using Convolutional Neural
- Emojify using Face Recognition with Machine
- Cat & Dog Classification using
Convolutional Neural Network in Python
- Traffic Signs Recognition using CNN and Keras
in Python
- Residual Networks (ResNet) – Deep Learning
- Dogecoin Price Prediction with Machine
- Detecting Spam Emails Using Tensorflow in
- Skin Cancer Detection using TensorFlow
- Human Activity Recognition – Using Deep
Learning Model
- AI-Driven Snake Game using Deep Q Learning
- Age Detection using Deep Learning in OpenCV
- Face and Hand Landmarks Detection using
- Detecting COVID-19 From Chest X-Ray Images
using CNN
- Fine-tuning the BERT model for Sentiment
- Image Segmentation Using TensorFlow
- Sentiment Classification Using BERT
- Sentiment Analysis with Recurrent Neural
Networks (RNN)
- Age Detection using Deep Learning in OpenCV
- Autocorrect Feature Using NLP In Python
- Detecting COVID-19 From Chest X-Ray Images using
- Fine-tuning the BERT model for Sentiment
- Image Segmentation Using TensorFlow
- Sentiment Classification Using BERT
- Sentiment Analysis with Recurrent Neural
Networks (RNN)
- Age Detection using Deep Learning in OpenCV
- Autocorrect Feature Using NLP In Python
- SMS Spam Detection using TensorFlow in Python
- ML | Credit Card Fraud Detection
- Python | Classify Handwritten Digits with
- OCR of Handwritten digits | OpenCV
- Text Detection and Extraction using OpenCV
and OCR
- Zillow Home Value (Zestimate) Prediction in
- Sales Forecast Prediction – Python
- Python | Customer Churn Analysis Prediction
- Calories Burnt Prediction using Machine
- Vehicle Count Prediction From Sensor Data
- Analyzing selling price of used cars using
- Box Office Revenue Prediction Using Linear
Regression in ML
- Online Payment Fraud Detection using Machine
Learning in Python
- Customer Segmentation using Unsupervised
Machine Learning in Python
- Bitcoin Price Prediction using Machine
Learning in Python
- Flipkart Reviews Sentiment Analysis using
- Loan Approval Prediction using Machine
- Loan Eligibility prediction using Machine
Learning Models in Python
- House Price Prediction using Machine Learning
in Python
- ML | Boston Housing Kaggle Challenge with
Linear Regression
- Stock Price Prediction using Machine Learning
in Python
- Stock Price Prediction Project using
- Handwritten Digit Recognition using Neural
- Human Scream Detection and Analysis for
Controlling Crime Rate
- Medical Insurance Price Prediction using
Machine Learning in Python
- Residual Networks (ResNet) – Deep Learning
- Lung Cancer Detection using Convolutional
Neural Network (CNN)
- Lung Cancer Detection Using Transfer Learning
- Fake News Detection Model using TensorFlow in
- Predict Fuel Efficiency Using Tensor flow in
- Microsoft Stock Price Prediction with Machine
- Twitter Sentiment Analysis using Python
- Recognizing HandWritten Digits in Scikit
- Identifying handwritten digits using Logistic
Regression in PyTorch
- Cartooning an Image using OpenCV – Python
- Count number of Object using Python-OpenCV
- Black and white image colorization with
OpenCV and Deep Learning
- Pneumonia Detection using Deep Learning
- Detecting Covid-19 with Chest X-ray
- Next Sentence Prediction using BERT
- Hate Speech Detection using Deep Learning
- How can TensorFlow be used with the abalone
dataset to build a sequential model?
- License Plate Recognition with OpenCV and
Tesseract OCR
- Detect and Recognize Car License Plate from a
video in real-time
- Heart Disease Prediction using ANN
- Python | NLP analysis of Restaurant reviews
- Restaurant Review Analysis Using NLP and
- Parkinson’s Disease Prediction using Machine
Learning in Python
- Spaceship Titanic Project using Machine
Learning in Python
- Inventory Demand Forecasting using Machine
Learning in Python
- Ola Bike Ride Request Forecast using ML
- Rainfall Prediction using Machine Learning in
- Waiter’s Tip Prediction using Machine
- Autism Prediction using Machine
- Bitcoin Price Prediction using Machine
Learning in Python
- Predicting Stock Price Direction using
Support Vector Machines
- Fake News Detection using Machine Learning
- Count number of Faces using Python – OpenCV
- Facebook Sentiment Analysis using python
- CIFAR-10 Image Classification in TensorFlow
- Black and white image colorization with
OpenCV and Deep Learning
- ML | Kaggle Breast Cancer Wisconsin Diagnosis
using Logistic Regression
- ML | Cancer cell classification using
- ML | Kaggle Breast Cancer Wisconsin Diagnosis
using KNN and Cross-Validation
- Share Price Forecasting Using Facebook
- Advanced Machine Learning Projects with
Source Code
- Lung Cancer Detection using Convolutional
Neural Network (CNN)
- Lung Cancer Detection Using Transfer Learning
- Black and white image colorization with
OpenCV and Deep Learning
- Pneumonia Detection using Deep Learning
- Detecting Covid-19 with Chest X-ray
- Next Sentence Prediction using BERT
- Hate Speech Detection using Deep Learning
- How can Tensorflow be used with the abalone
dataset to build a sequential model?
- Skin Cancer Detection using TensorFlow
- Human Activity Recognition – Using Deep
Learning Model
- AI-Driven Snake Game using Deep Q Learning
- Age Detection using Deep Learning in OpenCV
- Face and Hand Landmarks Detection using
- License Plate Recognition with OpenCV and
Tesseract OCR
- Detect and Recognize Car License Plate from a
video in real-time
- Heart Disease Prediction using ANN
- Python | NLP analysis of Restaurant reviews
- Restaurant Review Analysis Using NLP and SQLite