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Machine learning

  1. Voice Assistant using python
  2. Wine Quality Prediction
  3. Credit Card Fraud Detection
  4. Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning
  5. Recommendation System in Python
  6. ML | Heart Disease Prediction Using Logistic Regression
  7. Prediction of Wine type using Deep Learning
  8. IPL Score Prediction Using Deep Learning
  9. Multiclass image classification using Transfer learning
  10. Ted Talks Recommendation System with Machine Learning
  11. Python | Implementation of Movie Recommender System
  12. Movie recommendation based on emotion in Python
  13. Image Caption Generator using Deep Learning on Flickr 8K dataset
  14. Music Recommendation System Using Machine Learning
  15. Speech Recognition in Python using Google Speech API
  16. Intrusion Detection System Using Machine Learning Algorithms
  17. FaceMask Detection using TensorFlow in Python
  18. Dog Breed Classification using Transfer Learning
  19. Flower Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Network
  20. Emojify using Face Recognition with Machine Learning
  21. Cat & Dog Classification using Convolutional Neural Network in Python
  22. Traffic Signs Recognition using CNN and Keras in Python
  23. Residual Networks (ResNet) – Deep Learning
  24. Dogecoin Price Prediction with Machine Learning
  25. Detecting Spam Emails Using Tensorflow in Python
  26. Skin Cancer Detection using TensorFlow
  27. Human Activity Recognition – Using Deep Learning Model
  28. AI-Driven Snake Game using Deep Q Learning
  29. Age Detection using Deep Learning in OpenCV
  30. Face and Hand Landmarks Detection using Python
  31. Detecting COVID-19 From Chest X-Ray Images using CNN
  32. Fine-tuning the BERT model for Sentiment Analysis
  33. Image Segmentation Using TensorFlow
  34. Sentiment Classification Using BERT
  35. Sentiment Analysis with Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
  36. Age Detection using Deep Learning in OpenCV
  37. Autocorrect Feature Using NLP In Python
  38. Detecting COVID-19 From Chest X-Ray Images using CNN
  39. Fine-tuning the BERT model for Sentiment Analysis
  40. Image Segmentation Using TensorFlow
  41. Sentiment Classification Using BERT
  42. Sentiment Analysis with Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
  43. Age Detection using Deep Learning in OpenCV
  44. Autocorrect Feature Using NLP In Python
  45. SMS Spam Detection using TensorFlow in Python
  46. ML | Credit Card Fraud Detection
  47. Python | Classify Handwritten Digits with Tensorflow
  48. OCR of Handwritten digits | OpenCV
  49. Text Detection and Extraction using OpenCV and OCR
  50. Zillow Home Value (Zestimate) Prediction in ML
  51. Sales Forecast Prediction – Python
  52. Python | Customer Churn Analysis Prediction
  53. Calories Burnt Prediction using Machine Learning
  54. Vehicle Count Prediction From Sensor Data
  55. Analyzing selling price of used cars using Python
  56. Box Office Revenue Prediction Using Linear Regression in ML
  57. Online Payment Fraud Detection using Machine Learning in Python
  58. Customer Segmentation using Unsupervised Machine Learning in Python
  59. Bitcoin Price Prediction using Machine Learning in Python
  60. Flipkart Reviews Sentiment Analysis using Python
  61. Loan Approval Prediction using Machine Learning
  62. Loan Eligibility prediction using Machine Learning Models in Python
  63. House Price Prediction using Machine Learning in Python
  64. ML | Boston Housing Kaggle Challenge with Linear Regression
  65. Stock Price Prediction using Machine Learning in Python
  66. Stock Price Prediction Project using TensorFlow
  67. Handwritten Digit Recognition using Neural Network
  68. Human Scream Detection and Analysis for Controlling Crime Rate
  69. Medical Insurance Price Prediction using Machine Learning in Python
  70. Residual Networks (ResNet) – Deep Learning
  71. Lung Cancer Detection using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
  72. Lung Cancer Detection Using Transfer Learning
  73. Fake News Detection Model using TensorFlow in Python
  74. Predict Fuel Efficiency Using Tensor flow in Python
  75. Microsoft Stock Price Prediction with Machine Learning
  76. Twitter Sentiment Analysis using Python
  77. Recognizing HandWritten Digits in Scikit Learn
  78. Identifying handwritten digits using Logistic Regression in PyTorch
  79. Cartooning an Image using OpenCV – Python
  80. Count number of Object using Python-OpenCV
  81. Black and white image colorization with OpenCV and Deep Learning
  82. Pneumonia Detection using Deep Learning
  83. Detecting Covid-19 with Chest X-ray
  84. Next Sentence Prediction using BERT
  85. Hate Speech Detection using Deep Learning
  86. How can TensorFlow be used with the abalone dataset to build a sequential model?
  87. License Plate Recognition with OpenCV and Tesseract OCR
  88. Detect and Recognize Car License Plate from a video in real-time
  89. Heart Disease Prediction using ANN
  90. Python | NLP analysis of Restaurant reviews
  91. Restaurant Review Analysis Using NLP and SQLite
  92. Parkinson’s Disease Prediction using Machine Learning in Python
  93. Spaceship Titanic Project using Machine Learning in Python
  94. Inventory Demand Forecasting using Machine Learning in Python
  95. Ola Bike Ride Request Forecast using ML
  96. Rainfall Prediction using Machine Learning in Python
  97. Waiter’s Tip Prediction using Machine Learning
  98. Autism Prediction using Machine Learning 
  99. Bitcoin Price Prediction using Machine Learning in Python
  100. Predicting Stock Price Direction using Support Vector Machines
  101. Fake News Detection using Machine Learning
  102. Count number of Faces using Python – OpenCV
  103. Facebook Sentiment Analysis using python
  104. CIFAR-10 Image Classification in TensorFlow
  105. Black and white image colorization with OpenCV and Deep Learning
  106. ML | Kaggle Breast Cancer Wisconsin Diagnosis using Logistic Regression
  107. ML | Cancer cell classification using Scikit-learn
  108. ML | Kaggle Breast Cancer Wisconsin Diagnosis using KNN and Cross-Validation
  109. Share Price Forecasting Using Facebook Prophet
  110. Advanced Machine Learning Projects with Source Code
  111. Lung Cancer Detection using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
  112. Lung Cancer Detection Using Transfer Learning
  113. Black and white image colorization with OpenCV and Deep Learning
  114. Pneumonia Detection using Deep Learning
  115. Detecting Covid-19 with Chest X-ray
  116. Next Sentence Prediction using BERT
  117. Hate Speech Detection using Deep Learning
  118. How can Tensorflow be used with the abalone dataset to build a sequential model?
  119. Skin Cancer Detection using TensorFlow
  120. Human Activity Recognition – Using Deep Learning Model
  121. AI-Driven Snake Game using Deep Q Learning
  122. Age Detection using Deep Learning in OpenCV
  123. Face and Hand Landmarks Detection using Python
  124. License Plate Recognition with OpenCV and Tesseract OCR
  125. Detect and Recognize Car License Plate from a video in real-time
  126. Heart Disease Prediction using ANN
  127. Python | NLP analysis of Restaurant reviews
  128. Restaurant Review Analysis Using NLP and SQLite
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